작성일 : 10-03-27 13:43
[Pennsylvania] Lebanon Catholic School
글쓴이 :
 조회 : 2,501
주소 1400 Chestnut Street, Lebanon, PA 17042 웹사이트 www.lebanoncatholicschool.org 설립년도 1959 년 종교계열 Catholic 구분 남녀공학 총학생수 약 385 명 학년 K4-12 학년 학비 $4,661 (2009-2010) 기타비용 Registration fee $100, Lunch $500 특징 ACADEMICS * AP courses: Literature and Composition, Language and Composition, American Government and Politics, US History and Environmental Science * Honors courses: Mathematics, Science, English and Social Studies * Percentage of class that went on to high education: 97% EXTRACURRICULAR * Sports: Basketball, Baseball, Softball, Soccer, Bowling, Golf, Volleyball, Cheerleading * Music: Choir, Marching Band, Concert Band, Spring Play, Spring Concert * Clubs: National Honor Society, Respect Life, Envirothon, School paper, L.C.Peers. Yearbook, Student Council, Quiz Bowl, Missions, SADD, Prayer Groups