07 그룹 캐나다 조기유학NEWS수속자 진행상황도와주세요다년간 글 / 유학생모습들Christian catholic private School학비할인정보학교새로운소식미국(F1)+(F2)성공사례
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Christian catholic private School
캐나다 조기유학
작성일 : 10-04-09 13:24
[Pennsylvania] Oakland Catholic High School
 글쓴이 : 유학불…
조회 : 2,832  
주소                 144 North Craig Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15213
웹사이트          www.oaklandcatholic.org
설립년도          1989 년
종교계열          Catholic
구분                 여학교
총학생수           585 명
학년                 9-12 학년
SAT                  1,647 점 (Critical Reading: 551, Math: 526, Writing: 570)
학비                 $8,800 (approx.)
특징                 ACADEMICS
                         *  % to College: 99%
                         *   College Prep School for girls. 
                         *   AP courses: English, French, Italian, Latin, Spanish, Calculus I, Calculus II,
                             Biology, American History, US Government and Politics, World History
                         *   36 of Honors courses are offered.
                         *  Sports: Crew, Cross Country, Cheerleading, Color Guard, Field Hockey, Golf,   
                             Tennis, Soccer, Volleyball, Basketball, Bowling, Fencing, indoor Track, Swimming,
                             Lacrosse, Softball
                         *  Music: Marching band, Masque (Drama Club), Spring Musical, Fall Dramatics
                         *  Clubs: Bookstore, B.U.S.T.E.D, Campus ministry, Chess Team, Environmental Club, 
                             Film Club, Forensics, Forte, French Club, Habitat for Humanity, Interact Club, Italian
                             Club, Latin, Club, M.A.P.S., Masque, Media Club, National Honor Society, OC 
                             Record, Outdoor Club, Passport Project, Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science,
                             Prom Committee, Respect Life Club, SADD, Spanish Club, Student Ambassadors,
                             Student Council, Ultimate Frisbee, World Affairs Council, Yearbook
                         Oakland Catholic is a college preparatory school for young women. It is located in the 
                         educational heart of Pittsburgh only minutes from the University of Pittsburgh and
                         Carnegie Mellon University. New building, beautiful campus.
학교방문기          Oakland Catholic High School 은 좋은 지리적 위치에 자리한 명문여학교로 학교 시설이 
                         매우 좋으며 여러개의 AP 및 Honors courses 를 통해 학생들에게 다양한 교육과정을 제공
                         하고 있고 activity 및 club 활동도 활발하다.