작성일 : 10-03-15 10:48
[New York] Holy Angels Academy
글쓴이 :
조회 : 3,174
주소 24 Shoshone Drive, Buffalo, NY 14214 웹사이트 www.holyangelsacademy.org 설립년도 1861 년 종교계열 Catholic 구분 여학교 총학생수 약 300 명 학년 9-12 학년 SAT 1,120-1,130 점 (Verbal: 550-560. Math: 570) 학비 $7,450 (2009-2010) 기타비용 Activity fee $350, Walk of the Angels $100, Lunch $500. One Pot O'Gold Ticket $100, Purchase of English Literature soft cover texts $50, Junior/Senior Prom/Dance $100, Various in School Charity Fundraising $75, Annual Class Retreat $10 특징 ACADEMICS * AP와 Honors, College credit courses 있음 * AP courses: English, Literature, American History, Physics, Calculus, Intermediate Algebra/Statistics Essential Math * College courses: College English, College Sociology, College French, College Spanish, College Chemistry, College Career Discovery EXTRACURRICULAR * Sports: Basketball, bowling, crew, cross country, golf, lacrosse, soccer, softball swimming, Tennis, track and field, volleyball * Arts: two big art studios, wide variety * Music: Orchestra, drama club does small theater production, travel to do local performances * Clubs: Angels for Life (Pro Life Group), Yearbook, Bell Choir, book club, chorus, cultural awareness club, dance team, drama club, foreign language club, Latin Club, Math club, mock trial team, Model United Nations Club, National Honor Society, SABAH, SAGE. Science club, Service Club, Ski Club, student council, WINGS (literary magazine)