작성일 : 10-03-24 10:48
[Pennsylvania] Father Judge High School
글쓴이 :
 조회 : 4,397
주소 3301 Solly Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19136 웹사이트 www.fatherjudge.com 설립년도 1954 년 종교계열 Catholic 구분 남학교 총학생수 1,300 명 학년 9-12 학년 학비 $6,450 (2010-2011) 기타비용 Reg. fee $150, School fee $300, Crusader Club fee $120, Uniform fee $300, Supplies $175 특징 ACADEMICS * AP courses: English, Language and Composition, Calculus, European History, American Government and Politics, Physics, Biology EXTRACURRICULAR * Sports: Baseball, Basketball, Bowling, Cheerleading, Cross Country, Football, Golf, Ice Hockey, Soccer, Lacrosse, Track $ Field, Swimming * Arts: Jazz band, Show band, Symphonic Band, Drama, Choir * Clubs: Art, Astronomy, Chess, Communith Service Corp, Computer, Environment, Literary Magazine, Music, Spanish, Newspaper, Tneater Arts, Stage Crew, World Language, Yearbook STRENGTHS * 강당과 computer lab 시설이 좋음 * 전통적이고 엄격한 남학교