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Christian catholic private School
캐나다 조기유학
작성일 : 10-04-13 13:07
[Penslyvania] St. Hubert's Catholic High School for Girls
 글쓴이 : 유학불…
조회 : 2,742  
주소                 7320 Torresdale Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19136
웹사이트          www.huberts.org
설립년도          1925 년
종교계열          Catholic
구분                 여학교
총학생수           800 명 
학년                 K-12 학년 
학비                 $6,450 (2010 - 2011)
기타비용          Register fee $100 
특징                 ACADEMICS
                         *  AP courses: English, European History, United States History, American Government,
                            Human Geography, Psychology, Calculus, Physics, Art
                         *  Sports: Football, Cross Country, Soccer, Golf, Field Hockey, Volleyball, Tennis, 
                             Basketball, Bowling, Track, Softball, Cheerleading, Lacrosse
                         *  Arts: Art Festival, Drama, Theatre, Orchestra, Band, Choir, Chorus, Concert
                         *  Clubs: Art, Photography, National Honor Society, Chess, Math, Computer,   
                             Environment, Literary Magazine, Music, Multi-Cultural, Newspaper, Theater Arts,
                             Stage Crew, World Language, Yearbook
                         Its Philadelphia campus is convenient to public transportation and all the amenities   
                         of the city. The fine arts program at St. Hubert's is one of the best in the Archdiocese
                         of Philadelphia. It is a 4 year program headed by an art teacuer who is both energetic
                         and motivated to enable students toward success in painting, drawing, 3D art, etc. 
                         Sewing lab is a nice addition for girls wishing to enter careers in fashion design and
                         interior design.