07 그룹 캐나다 조기유학NEWS수속자 진행상황도와주세요다년간 글 / 유학생모습들Christian catholic private School학비할인정보학교새로운소식미국(F1)+(F2)성공사례
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Christian catholic private School
캐나다 조기유학
작성일 : 10-04-30 16:48
[Iowa] Xavier High School - 마감
 글쓴이 : 유학불…
조회 : 2,657  
주소                 6300 42nd St. NE, Cendar Rapids, IA 52411
웹사이트          www.xaviersaints.org
설립년도          1890 년
종교계열          Catholic
구분                 남녀공학
총학생수           795 명  
학년                 9-12 학년
ACT평균점수     24 점
학비                 $6,780 (2009 - 2010)
기타비용          Scheduling Fee $50, Annual Sports Participation Fee $50
특징                 ACADEMICS                       
                         *  AP courses: English Literature and Composition British Literature, English Literature
                            and Analysis, Government, US History, Calculus, Spanish, Biology, Chemistry
                         *  Sports: Football, Volleyball, Golf, Basketball, Swimming, Wrestling, Girls Track,  
                             Boys Track/Bowling, Tennis, Soccer, Softball, Baseball, Cheerleading, Speech
                         *  Arts: Music classes and activities include Instrumental (Marching Band, Concert  
                             Band, Pep Band, and Jazz Band) and Vocal (VOCE, Xavier Chorale, Xhilaration 
                             Show Choir, and Xuberance Show Choir).
                             Visual Arts include Art (painting, design, drawing, ceramics) and Drama (plays
                             and musicals).
                         *  Club: Key Club, Students Against Destructive Decisions / Students Against Driving
                             Drunk (SADD), Art Club, Battle of the Bands, French Club, Frisbee Golf Club, Galaxy
                             (Variety Show), Intramural Basketball, Junior Achivement, Model U. N., Newspaper
                             (Xpress), Pep Club, Spanish Club, Sporitual Teams, Student Senate, Take Charge
                             (anti-smoking), Trapshooting, Wellspring (Seniors), Xavier Ambassadors, Xavier
                             Speech Company, Youth Leadership for Five Seasons Youth Symposium, Yearbook
                         시설이 우수하며 역사가 오래 된 학교로 1998년에 현재의 위치로 캠퍼스가 이전하면서 학교
                         이름도 현 이름으로 개명했다. 새로 캠퍼스가 이전해서 학교 분위기가 깔끔하다. Sports
                         Program과 Fine Art가 매우 활성화 되어있으며 Football의 명성이 높다.