작성일 : 14-04-24 15:56
[미국/조기/나셀학교/캘리포니아주] St. Francis Central Coast Catholic High School
글쓴이 :
조회 : 15,393
[일산유학원,일산추천유학원,일산유학센터,F1F2엄마동반비자][문의]031-916-8911 주엽역4번출구 던킨도너츠건물 5층
학교명 |
St. Francis Central Coast Catholic High School |
주소 |
2400 E. Lake Avenue, Watsonville, CA 95076 |
웹사이트 |
www.stfrancishigh.net |
설립년도 |
1869년 |
종교계열 |
Catholic |
구분 |
남녀공학 |
총학생수 |
210명 |
학년 |
9-12학년 |
교사 : 학생비율 |
1:13 |
학비 |
$12,300 (2013-2014) |
기타비용 |
Reg. Fee, Family Fundraising, Books, Materials, and Athletic Fees, Totaling Approx. $1,000-$1,500, Additional HF Stipend $350/mo. |
특징 |
- ACADEMICS ㆍ% to College: 99% ㆍAP courses: English Language and Composition, English Literature and Composition, US History, Government (online), Macroeconomics (online), Microeconomics (online), Psychology (online), Spanish Language, Calculus AB, Statistics (online), Studio Art ㆍHonors courses: English 2, Chemistry, Spanish, Geometry, Algebra 2, Precalculus, Biology - EXTRACURRICULAR ㆍSports: Fields 26 Interscholastic Athletic teams in 11 Sports. ㆍArts: Offers an active Music Ministry group that performs at school liturgies and events, as well as at parishes in the local area. ㆍClubs: National Honor Society, California Scholarship Federation, Peer Tutoring, Mock Trial, Dance Team, Yearbook, Photography, Astronomy, Ambassadors, Badminton, Art Club, Fantasy Sports, Intramural Sports, Shark Byte, Pro-life, Poetry, Newspaper, Ecology, Hiking, American Red Cross, Sushi, Improvisation Troupe, Yoga, Rugby, Baking, Surfing - COMMENTS 교정 내에 아름다운 호수가 있으며 커리큘럼으로 PSAT와 SAT를 제공하며 소규모 수업이 장점이다. SAT 평균점수는 National Average보다 110점 이상 높으며, Yale, Boston, UC 계열의 학교 등 다양한 유명 대학으로 진학하고 있다. | | |