07 그룹 캐나다 조기유학NEWS수속자 진행상황도와주세요다년간 글 / 유학생모습들Christian catholic private School학비할인정보학교새로운소식미국(F1)+(F2)성공사례
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Christian catholic private School
캐나다 조기유학
작성일 : 08-11-20 15:23
[INTRAX] $300 Accreditation Scholarship for all Daytime & Extension Programs
 글쓴이 : 유학불…
조회 : 3,540  
In celebration of its 5 year reaccreditation, Intrax International Institute is excited to announce a $300 tuition scholarship for students who submit applications for programs beginning October 1, 2008 through December 22, 2008.
This $300 scholarship can be applied towards tuition for any Intrax program at any Intrax center.
Applications must be received after September 15, 2008.
Students arriving between October 1, 2008 and December 22, 2008 whose applications were processed before September 15, 2008 will not receive a discount or refund.
Students must arrive and begin their program between October 1, 2008 and December 22, 2008.
This offer is valid for a $300 scholarship towards tuition.
This offer can be applied towards the Academic Excellence package, but may not be combined with any other discount or promotion.
Enrollment must be for a minimum 4 weeks.
Refunds for programs will be calculated based on standard fees; the scholarship will not apply towards the refund.
Share in our success and experience firsthand the quality education that we've been recognized for.