The Walker School
홈페이지 :
주소 : 700 Cobb Parkway North | Marietta, GA 30062 |
설립연도 : 1957
학년 : PK~12
학생수 : 1,015명
학비 : PK~12 ($10,730~$19,190) 중식포함
교과과목 : Communication, Computer Science, English, Fine Arts, Mathematics, Physical Education, Science, Social Science, World Languages
SAT 성적 : 상위 20% 1960~2320, 중간50% 1620~1900
AP과정 : 23개 제공. Biology, Calculus AB, Calculus BC, Chemistry, Computer Science, English Language and Composition, English Literature and Composition, European History, French Language, German Language, U.S. Government and Politics, Comparative Government and Politics, Latin Literature, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Music Theory, Psychology, Physics B, Spanish Language, Statistics, Studio Art, U.S. History, World History
입학시험 : Grade 6~12 SSAT (Secondary School Admission Test)
신청비 : $75
신청마감 : 매년 1월22일까지
제출서류 : 입학신청서, 여권사본, 성적증명서, TOEFL 성적, 교사추천서 (영어,수학), 예방접증명, 인터뷰
신청자격조건 : 영어능력을 갖추고 있어야 함.
스포츠 : Baseball, Basketball, Cheering, Cross Country, Football, Golf, Lacrosse, Soccer, Softball, Swimming, Tennis, Track & Field, Volleyball, Wrestling
Arts : Visual arts, Theatre arts, Instrumental music, Vocal performance, Music theory, Dance,
Clubs : 학년별 다양한 클럽
예 (9~12)
Art Club, Bella Armonia, Ensemble, Catholic Club, Creative Writing, Concert Band,
Dok-Do (Korean Language Club), Drama, Drum Line, Dumbeldore's Army Fashion Club, Fellowship of Christian, Athletes, French Club, German Club, Global Awareness, Hillel, Improv, Investment Club, Jazz Band, Libertarians, Outdoor Club, Orchestra, Pegasus, Photography Club, Rock & Roll Organization, Show Choir, Sodalitas (Latin), Spanish Club, Walker Attack (Pep Band), Walker Composting Group, Young Democrats, Young Republicans, Zumba
기타 : 학교유니폼, 남녀공학
학교특징 : 애틀란타의 명문사립학교 중 하나. 교사들의 자질이 우수하며 약 75%이상이 석사학위 이상소지자. 최고의 교육환경을 갖추고 있음. 졸업생중 33%가 사립대학으로 진학.

[ 문의처 : 일산유학센터 ]
Tel : 031-916-8911/4 070-7641-8911
Fax : 031-916-8912