North Cobb Christian School
홈페이지 :
주소 : 4500 Lakeview Drive • Kennesaw GA 30144
설립연도 : 1983
위치 : 애틀란타 시 북쪽 40km에 위치.
학년 : NS~12
학생수 : 880명
교사학생비율 : 1:13
학비 : PK~8 ($4,185~$12,120) 외국학생의 경우 수시문의
신청비 : $100
등록비 : $750
기타비용 : 약 $3,000 (교재, 액티비티 등)
제출서류 : 신청서, 여권사본, 성적표, 예방접종증명, 교회추천서, 수학교사추천서, 의
학교담당자 추천서, 인터뷰
신청자격조건 : 기본적인 영어 능력을 갖추고 있어야 함.
소속교단 : 기독교
스포츠 : Baseball, Basketball, Cheering, Cross Country, Dance, Equestrian, Football, Golf, Lacrosse, Soccer, Softball, Swimming, Tennis, Track & Field, Volleyball, Wrestling
Arts : Concert Band, Marching Band, Rep Band, Jazz Ensemble/Combo, Indoor Drumline, Winter Guard, Chamber Chorus, Men’s and Women’s Choral Ensembles, Dance Ensemble, Show Choir, Musical and dramatic theatre productions, Orchestra
액티비티 : Beta Club, Chess Club, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Mock-Trial, National Honors Society, National Junior Honors Society, Praise Team, Robotics, Strategy Game Club, Student Government
AP 과정 : 30이상의 AP와 Honor 과정제공
AP and Honors Calculus, AP and Honors Comparative Government, AP and Honors Modern European History, AP and Honors U.S. Government, AP and Honors US History, AP Computer Science, AP English Language, AP English Literature, AP Macroeconomics, AP Microeconomics, Honors Algebra II, Honors American Literature, Honors Anatomy & Physiology, Honors Biology, Honors British Literature, Honors Chemistry, Honors Constitutional Law, Honors Economics, Honors French III & IV, Honors Freshman English, Honors Geometry, Honors Latin III, Honors Physics, Honors Pre-Calculus, Honors Sociology, Honors Spanish III & IV, Honors World Literature
진학대학리스트 (2011년 기준) : . Auburn University, Austin Peay, Binghamton University, Boston Conservatory, Brigham Young University, Carson-Newman College, Columbus State University, Covenant College, Drew University, Emerson College, Florida Atlantic University, Florida State University, Kennesaw State University, Gardener-Webb University, Georgia College and State University, Georgia Southern University, Georgia State University, Georgia Institute of Technology, Highlands College, Indiana University, Lee University, Liberty University, Lipscomb University, Louisiana State University, Marysville College, Mercer University, Michigan State University, North Georgia College & State, North Greenville University, Oglethorpe University, Piedmont College, Purdue University, Samford University, Savannah College or Art and Design, Shorter University, Southern Polytechnic State University, Southern Weslyan, University of Alabama, University of Georgia, University of West Georgia, Valdosta State University, Washington & Lee, Washington Univesity.
SAT 평균점수 : 1689 (2010년)
외국어 : 학년별로 Spanish, French, Latin
기타 : 학교유니폼 (High school은 없음),
학교특징 : 기독교정신을 바탕으로 하여 뛰어난 교육환경하에서 학생들의 아카데믹한 잠재력을 개발하는 데 주된 교육목표를 두고 있음. 스쿨버스운행(오전), 다양한 AP 과정이 개설되어 있고, 학생들의 대학진학지원 프로그램이 잘 되어 있음. 한국인 학생 약간명 재학중. 다양한 예체능 프로그램이 있어 학과공부뿐만 아니라 Arts, Sports 등에서 다양한 학교생활을 경험할 수 있음. 의무 사회봉사 프로그램(졸업 시까지 46시간 필수 이수)
<사진출처 : 학교홈페이지 외 >

[ 문의처 : 일산유학센터 ]
Tel : 031-916-8911/4 070-7641-8911
Fax : 031-916-8912