[Fullsail Univesity]
학교홈페이지 : http://www.fullsail.edu/
학교주소 : 3300 University Boulevard - Winter Park, Florida 32792 Tel 800.226.7625
전체학생수 : 약 17,000명
Ø 1979년에 설립된 미국의 유명한 음악대학중 하나로 플로리다 윈터파크에 위치하고 있으며, 많은 졸업생들이 관련분야에서 두드러진 활약을 하고 있음.
Ø Film, Art, Music, Game, Business, Design 등 6개 관련 프로그램을 On Campus 와 Online 을 통해 제공.
Ø ESL 과정 (최장 9개월)을 통한 조건부 입학가능
Ø 집중수업에 의한 2년에 학사학위 취득 가능
l Bachelor's degree (Campus)
Ø Computer Animation
Ø Creative Writing for Entertainment
Ø Digital Arts & Design
Ø Entertainment Business
Ø Film
Ø Game Art
Ø Game Development
Ø Media Communications
Ø Mobile Development
Ø Music Business
Ø Recording Arts
Ø Show Production
Ø Sports Marketing & Media
Ø Web Design & Development
l Master's degree (Campus)
Ø Entertainment Business
Ø Game Design
l Associate's degree (Campus)
Ø Entertainment Business
Ø Game Design
l ESL program (Campus)
그 외 Campus 프로그램을 포함 다양한 Online 프로그램을 제공
국제학생 입학조건
Ø Complete an interview with your Admissions Representative
Ø Enrollment Application
Ø Application fee of $75.00
Ø Seat deposit of $200.00
Ø High school/secondary school transcript-x
Ø University or college transcript-xs (for graduate programs or transfer credits) IBT 79, IELTS 6.0
Ø Financial guarantee
Ø Verification of language proficiency (if your native language is not English)
Ø Copy of the identification page of your passport
Ø Signed and dated Enrollment Agreement
l Tuition Table
Degrees |
*Avg. Semester Cost |
Semesters |
Per Credit Hour |
Total Credit Hours |
Master’s |
Entertainment Business |
$11,760 |
3 |
$850 |
41.5 |
Game Design |
$10,627 |
3 |
$759 |
42 |
Bachelor's* |
Computer Animation |
$14,190 |
5.25 |
$544 |
137 |
Creative Writing for Entertainment |
$11,143 |
5.25 |
$468 |
125 |
Digital Arts & Design |
$14,190 |
5.25 |
$521 |
143 |
Entertainment Business |
$11,200 |
5 |
$467 |
120 |
Film |
$14,900 |
5 |
$598 |
124.5 |
Game Art |
$14,190 |
5.25 |
$552 |
135 |
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