< Lawrence Academy 소개자료 >
설립연도 : 1973년
위 치 : 보스턴에서 1시간 거리, Groton시, Massachusetts주
학 년 : 9~12학년, 남녀공학, 기숙학교
학생수 : 약 400명, 국제학생 4명, 한국학생 5명 내외
학급당 학생수 : 8 ~16명
교사수 : 55명
학생 대 교사비율 : 7:1
학교홈페이지 : http://WWW.LACADEMY.EDU
학교특징 : ESL 프로그램 제공
12만평의 넓은 캠퍼스에 10개의 기숙사와 교실, 실습실
각종 체육시설 등이 우수함.
스포츠 :
Girls: Basketball, Cross Country, Downhill Skiing,
Field Hockey, Golf, Ice Hockey, Lacrosse, Soccer, Softball,
Tennis, Volleyball, Wrestling, Dance
Boys: Baseball, Basketball, Cross Country, Downhill Skiing,
Football, Golf, Ice Hockey, Lacrosse, Soccer, Tennis,
Wrestling, Dance
과외활동 :
Acapella Group, Admission Tour Guides, Community
Opportunities: Service, Dance, Early Music Ensemble, Ethics Education
Committee, Faculty/Student Senate, Health Committee,
International Students’ Association, Jazz Band, Literary
Magazine, Environmental Club, Multicultural Alliance, Music
Lessons, Newspaper, Peer Counselors, Peer Tutors,
Proctors, Radio Station, Student Government, Theatre,
Voice Lessons, Yearbook
Honors & AP 과정 :
Honors Biology, AP Calculus,
Honors Chemistry, AP Computer
Science, AP English,AP Environmental
Science,AP French, Honors French,
Independent Studies, Honors
Junior English, AP Latin, Honors
Math,AP Music, Honors Physics,
Honors Senior History, Honors
Writing, Senior Honors
Independent Project,AP Spanish,
Honors Spanish,AP U.S.Government
and Politics, Honors U.S. History
대학진학률 및 주요진학 대학
Boston College, Boston University,
Carnegie Mellon University,
Chicago Art Institute, George
Washington University, Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute, Rochester
Institute of Technology,
Tufts University, and University of Chicago 등
기타 궁금한 사항은 일산 유학센터로 문의해 주시기 바랍니다.
Tel : 031-916-8911/4
Fax : 031-916-8912